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Atto UL5D PCI-express SCSI Karte

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    • Atto UL5D PCI-express SCSI Karte

      ATTO Technology Delivers Blazing-fast Transfer Rates for Apple's
      Power Mac G5 with PCI Express

      ATTO UL5D Ultra320 PCI Express SCSI Host Adapter Features Mac ® OS X Support

      Amherst, NY (October 21, 2005) – ATTO Technology, Inc., a global leader of storage connectivity and infrastructure solutions for data-intensive computing environments, announces support for the Apple Macintosh® PCI Express (PCIe) architecture with a dual-channel host adapter utilizing Ultra320 SCSI and next-generation PCIe technology. Offering throughput of up to 320 MB/sec. per channel for a combined speed of up to 640 MB/sec., the ATTO ExpressPCI UL5D SCSI Host Adapter delivers blazing-fast transfer rates for the Apple Macintosh PCIe architecture.

      Atto hat heute auch schon Treiber für die Karte im User-Bereich bereitgestellt. :zustimm:


      All Admins should thank Microsoft and IBM for creating the PeeCee, without those, we would be jobless:)